Self Mastery for Conscious Parents

Business, Consciousness, Leadership, Parenting

My juggling act, balancing kids and work

For those that don’t know me, I am a happily married mom with 3 little kids aged 3 and under. That’s right, you heard it… my oldest are a set of twins that just turned 3 recently and I have a baby who is still my baby at 20 months old. I also work full time as a software developer, part of my old life that is slowly shedding away while I reinvent myself once again now as a entrepreneur following her authentic self. I started Fearless Mommies in hopes of helping other moms live authentically too while I am in the trenches of this journey of living a life that suits me not suits others. I’m also writing a book in the same time so maybe I’m a little nuts… hehe… but when you are doing something you love, it is no longer work. My full time job is work, the projects on the side I’m working at night when my sweeties are in bed do not feel like work. I love learning about life and how to live it to the fullest, I love following my authentic self who is a very spiritual being.

But all this to say, it is not easy to juggle everything on my plate right now but I manage to do it and I feel the universe is on my side as I slowly become more of the conscious me instead of the me that has been surviving by following what has been expected of me from society. Have you heard that doing something for 21 days makes it a habit? Well, living large and living free has become a habit for me, quite frankly I am addicted to how it feels and the endless possibilities of what I can create keep me motivated and focused on a life of freedom — the freedom to be there for my kids, work when I want to work, create what I want to create, live where I want to live. These are all visions that I see unfolding a little more each day.

No one is too busy that they can’t accomplish what they want to, even in the need of reinventing yourself. All it takes is one foot in front of the other. Take one little step every day before you know it, you’ll be running towards your dreams and the vision you have for you and your family. The steps can be as little or as big as you want it to be. It can be as simple as reading something online that inspires you, writing in a journal, sitting still in nature or a warm bath, or connecting with someone that inspires you. Start with a minimum of 10 minutes a day for 21 days. If I can do it, you can do it!

The journey begins with every little step… I would love to hear how you are doing in your journey… feel free to comment below to share your story.

Keep loving and learning and making a difference, however big or small!




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