Self Mastery for Conscious Parents


Why Fearless Mommies was Created

After listening to Simon Sinek talk about starting with  ‘why’,  I decided I needed to share why I’ve felt  so passionate about helping others lead a life of authenticity.  Truth be it, I get asked numerous times the ‘what’ (am I selling) and ‘how’ (am I going to make money), but no one ever asks me ‘why’.

Interesting enough, I started this website in the ‘why’. The ‘what’ and ‘how’ were creative pieces that followed to keep feeding my ‘why’. ‘Why’ is the most important thing to me, supporting and empowering people to lead a life of authenticity is my passion.

Here is the ‘why’:

“I believe that the more people that shine their light in this world, the closer we will achieve a world of peace, love and joy.”

I am committed to doing my part to shine my light… bigger and brighter with love for my human family.

How Fearless Mommies Came To Be

Fearless Mommies wanted to be created. It all started off because I had a yearning to help others, though my initial intent was not a particular group. I went to a mastermind success group and when asked what success circle I was going to form, the words “Fearless Mommies” came to me. Although at the time, I didn’t share it with the group, I left with a spark and I wanted to explore more.

Fearless Mommies kept coming back to me, to the point I decided to create a website to help empower moms to be the best authentic self they could be, so they would lead their lives and their children’s lives. As I kept building on the site, it started to make sense to create Fearless Mommies because that is what I’m living right now, I’m living a life of authenticity and consciously raising my children to live the same. It is becoming clear to me that the future of our children’s world is in our hands and we have the power to build a future of peace, love and abundance.

Do I want a world where children grow up being empowered, supported and loved? Yes!

Do I want a world where suffering ends and every child is born with the excitement of creative possibilities? Yes!

Is it possible? Absolutely!

It starts with each and every one of us to focus our energy on being the best “you”, to peel back our fears one by one to become the authentic self – to fear less and less. It starts by observing and letting go of our energies when negative voices arise that say it isn’t possible, whether those voices are external or internal. Life has been hard because we’ve been told it’s hard, but that is not what was intended for our divine spirits when we were born. What was intended is for us to be our authentic selves and to be ‘love’ and to share with each other our unique gifts for the empowerment of the human family.

Who Fearless Mommies Is For

Fearless Mommies is for moms, moms to be, those that have a mom and those that support moms, it is for anyone that wants to empower and be a motherly figure to our human family. Some of the articles are written from the viewpoint of being a mom and unique to being a mom, but the whole point is if you find it sparks something in you, please continue to grow with us and empower those around you. I would love to hear that it sparked a creative in you.

Fearless Mommies is also for all types of moms, whether you are a stay at home mom, a mom struggling with work life balance, a mom that is a working professional, a mom in the process of reinventing herself, a single mom, etc. the list goes on. We need ALL moms to live authentically so we can grow and make effective changes to all our own personal and work circles. We need to hear all your voices of love and creativity.

Who I Am

I am first and foremost a spiritual being having a human experience.

Those words would have been very uncomfortable for me to say in the past even though I’ve always been very spiritual. Growing up, spirituality had its place and wasn’t openly accepted by mainstream. Through out my life, I’ve explored that part of me mostly in private but always went back to what was accepted by mainstream so didn’t allow that part of me to be a part of my daily life. I didn’t grow up with any religious upbringing, although my mom was Catholic, my dad didn’t believe in religion… though since then, I’ve realized he’s definitely a spiritual man. When I was about 8, my curiosity about spirituality rose to the point that I asked my mom for a bible. I wanted to know who God was. She gave me a King James Version of the Holy Bible and I read it cover to cover, some made sense to me, some did not but it left me with more questions. When I was in my late teens, I had a crush on a boy who invited me to his church. The crush never flourished into anything more than a crush, but I became Christian when I was 20 because of a Christian church.

Although, I consider my ‘Self’ as aligned with Christ Consciousness, I don’t believe any one religion is the only way. I reinvented myself many times to survive this world… got married, got divorced, was single, became a web developer, then a software developer, then remarried to my life partner. Fast forward to when I became a mom, everything changed for me. Through my experiences, I’ve learned how to manifest what I want in this life.

My children are the utmost importance to me and I want a better future for them. I no longer want to be a slave to someone else dictating the time I spend with my children, so the process of reinventing ‘self’ started again but this time it was different. This time I did a lot of soul searching and my authentic self wanted to be explored. I no longer wanted to reinvent myself to survive, I wanted to reinvent myself to become in line with my life purpose which aligned with joy, peace and freedom.  I wanted to express my spirit and not hide it from others as I believe we are spiritual beings first before we are our physical presence. This is my journey and I hope FearlessMommies inspires you to live with authenticity and embrace living BIG… to fear less and be courageous. I’m here to support you on your journey.

With love,

Lucia Griesbach

For more information on my coaching and consulting services, please visit : Lights On Coaching and Consulting

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