Self Mastery for Conscious Parents


Living abundantly may have different meaning depending on what you are seeking.

For some, abundance means wealth and financial success. Being able to accumulate  material possessions, having the money to live any way they want, travel anywhere, do anything they please. That is the definition of abundance for many.

For some, abundance means finding peace, happiness and freedom. With that, I have to add that freedom often includes having the finances to do whatever you want, so this kind of abundance actually manifests having wealth and financial success as well if you desire it, so it includes the freedom to buy, to live, travel and do as you please. The financial success is not a goal but a by-product of this type of abundance.

Let me first say, there is nothing wrong with either. It is, what it is… and that is where you are in your life and that which gives you meaning at the time you are reading this.

The differences between the two are one is based around spirituality and the other does not necessarily require that.

Anyone has the ability to achieve any form of abundance they desire and are comfortable with.

So it all goes back to what you are allowing yourself to achieve. Allowing is the strongest word here… in order to live in abundance, you must allow for  it to happen in your life. If it isn’t happening, there is a limitation somewhere in your beliefs and you will need to challenge yourself.

If you are serious about living abundantly, you must know it takes work, sometimes struggle and for most, it does not happen overnight. It is INNER WORK and you can feel the effects immediately.

Learn how to LIVE IN ABUNDANT FLOW here.

With love and light,






  • Ashley Becker-Nunley at 7:39 pm

    Hello, I listened to your talk on Dr. Keesha’s Vitality Summit. Thank you for contributing and sharing your knowledge. I am looking to sign up for your Abundance Summit that you mentioned, but can’t find the sign up. I understand it begins after Dr. Keesha’s. Can you please give me the link so that I may sign up? Thanks!


    • Lucia Griesbach at 9:11 pm

      Hi Ashley,

      Yes, of course. The link to sign up for the Abundance Mindset Secrets summit is at … look forward to sharing the really great interviews on abundance with you on there!


      ** update ** The Abundance Mindset Secrets summit is over, to listen to upcoming interviews from moms in leadership, enter your email address under subscribe on the sidebar.


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