Self Mastery for Conscious Parents


15 minutes of silence a day goes a long way

I’m not going to lie, I have 3 children that are 3 and under, 15 minutes is a big chunk of time for me. But reality is there is nothing more important that you can do for yourself than giving yourself 15 minutes a day of silence and reflection. I like to take the 15 minutes to meditate, meaning I take that time to be still and quiet my thoughts. Sometimes quieting my thoughts is the hardest thing for me to do in a busy day but I’ve never regretted the feeling I get from spending just that little bit of time to reconnect myself with my soul.

We all need that time for ourselves to reflect who we were are, not what we’ve labelled ourselves as, whether that is ‘mom’, ‘professional’,  ‘wife’, ‘daughter’, ‘nurse’, ‘architect’, ‘manager’, ‘stay at home mom’, ‘single mom’ etc.. Doesn’t matter what we’ve decided to label ourselves, that isn’t the true essence of who you are deep inside. Who you are inside is love, freedom, creativity… when you do activities that bring those feelings in you, I’d bet they energize you, make you feel at home. But most of the day we are bombarded by thoughts, tasks at hand, our work, our responsibilities… it is easy to lose sight of who we really are and that is why it’s so important to take some time to take care of you.

I think a lot, sometimes it’s not so easy to quiet my mind by meditation, on those days, I pray. What I’m trying to say is, it doesn’t matter how you find peace in your life, it’s is just important to put away a little bit of time each day to look for that peace within you.

Try different things to find that peace in you, whether that be through meditation, prayer, art, writing… the only requirement is for it to be quiet and an expression of allowing your soul to just ‘be’ in this busy world.

Is there something you’re doing to find peace in your world? What is it and please share in the comment section below as it may be something that might work for someone else. I wish you peace in life.

Keep loving and learning and making a difference, however big or small!



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