You will be tested and tested…
And tested!
Following your authentic life is not easy some days. I have a clear vision of exactly the life I want to live and I know I am going in the right direction even though obstacles keep popping up. First bad one was my laptop fried with some of the first notes I had… my gut reaction was this is a test. Then the following days, I felt totally disconnected, then when I finally had the nerve to send out some emails to get started on my new life path, no one replied back. I knew I would be tested but when it happens, I can’t help but feel a little defeated but then I get up, dust myself off and stay focused.
I have no doubt I am on the right track. I know this because the universe sends little messages through funny acts of grace. For example, I messed up and missed a work call cause I’ve still been living my old life while reinventing my new life, but only to hear that the situation worked itself out without outing me that I missed the call. Or when I actually start envisioning myself in situations I wouldn’t have dreamed of before and actually experiencing my abundant future like I am living it in the present. Or actually feeling so connected with humanity that I felt an overwhelming emotion of sadness that made me weep tears uncontrollably upon seeing a homeless man. I am going to stay on this journey, no matter what! I’ve had a glimpse of a future ahead and I am not willing to let go of this vision. I know I will be tested again and again.
For all of you out there wanting to follow your passion in life, don’t give up. Remember you will be tested on your perseverance to see if you can stick it out and stay true to the course. All I can say is stick it out and watch the magic unfold… it is an exciting time.
Keep loving and learning and making a difference, however big or small!
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