The different layers of consciousness
When I started this journey, I felt like I was already very conscious of who I was authentically. I have to say that with each day, I am humbled at the new layers of consciousness that I am experiencing.
Words could hardly express the love, peace and happiness in my heart. I feel taken care of by the universe. Ultimately, my goal is to inspire others to take this journey with me because I am so in love with life. Having been in a space where life was hectic, full of concerns, full of struggle… I know how it feels to be at peace, full of excitement day to day and feeling free. It wasn’t overnight and I know the complexity of consciousness only happens when one is willing. The great thing is we will all get there. There is no rush, just a steady flow of positive energy that will eventually extend out to the world.
The main goal in life is to not focus on what’s in the past or what is in the future… but only in the now. I know you have all heard of Eckhart Tolle and the ‘Power of Now”. I have the book but haven’t read it yet. I got it as a gift about 5 years ago. I had picked it up and attempted to read the first chapter, at the time 5 years ago, I admit it didn’t really resonate with me. I understood what I read in theory but the understanding wasn’t deep for me at the time. Since being on my journey of authenticity, I have reached a space where I am finally at peace. I am at peace with my thoughts, I wake up feeling at peace. The journey starts off with being aware of your spiritual side, connecting with it and being grateful for the now. When I hear Eckhart Tolle talk about peace and living in the now, I understand. I will have to read his book now that I have a better understanding as I’m sure there are lots of juicy nuggets that I will get from it.
At the core of consciousness is Love. This isn’t some foo foo lovely dovey, commercialized kind of ‘love’ I am talking about, this is Being, this is the realization of your potential in this playground we call the world. Continue to work on those layers, there are many wonderful surprises of enlightenment every day on this journey which makes life no longer mediocre but outstanding and exciting. I look forward to more exploration of our spiritual journey.
How would you describe Love? What does Love mean to you? What are some layers of Love that you were delightfully surprised when you were willing to explore? Please comment in the section below to share your insights on love.
Keep loving and learning and making a difference, however big or small!
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