Self Mastery for Conscious Parents


Believe in your children

This past week has been a difficult one for me as I’ve been really swamped with work. Funny how I no longer have a full time job but yet I am busier than I have ever been… but there is a huge difference and that is I feel rewarded, freedom and expansion of my consciousness. Life is FULL, full of love, lessons, peace and creativity, this is the life I didn’t know existed before.

Since being at home, I get to spend a lot more time with my young children. I raise them to be confident, self-assured children that are well aware of their unlimited potential so they have definitely taught me a lot of lessons about parenting.

  • Lesson :  Let them be whatever they want to be
    For starters, let your children be who they were born to be. It really doesn’t matter if what they say makes no sense, they don’t need to be corrected. They know it’s fantasy and they know it’s just play but it allows them to be free and live a life of unlimited possibilities.
  • Lesson :  Take a deep breath and deal with tantrums only on solid conscious ground
    As soon as we react to the tantrums as a knee jerk reflex, all hell is going to break loose… or at least, head down a slippery slope of emotions. Make sure you take a deep breath, get grounded, release the negative emotions of anxiety whether that be that it’s not ‘perfect’ or we’re going to be late, talk from a place of peace and firmness and trust the situation will work out smoothly.
  • Lesson :  Always choose to love
    My kids ask for hugs and kisses at the strangest times and I will accommodate as long as physically possible. Always pick love over fear tactics when trying to get your children to be more agreeable.
  • Lesson :  They can have anything they want if they want it bad enough
    I will never tell my children they can’t have something their heart desires. Before anyone misunderstands what I mean by that… I simply tell them if they can’t have it right now, that if they want it bad enough, they will get it someday or when it’s their turn. I’m not saying I’m going to answer all their desires, I’m teaching them to create the vision for it themselves.
  • Lesson : Every day is a new day, don’t bring up crap from the past
    It’s not really useful to bring up the past, it’s over and done with. Kids do not need to be reminded of what happened yesterday when they did something not so wonderful. Every day is a new day of possibilities to explore and create. Every day is a new day for you to cheer your child on.
  • Lesson : Let them help if they want to
    My kids are little and they like helping… so whenever possible, I let them help. I don’t know if they will stay this way but right now they genuinely love doing things like cooking and setting the table… can’t say they feel that way about cleaning up though 🙂 I believe children are born wanting to be of service, if we stop them because it’s messy or they don’t do it right, then we rob them of an essential part of their nature.

I feel so wonderfully blessed by these little people in my life. Especially when I’m super busy, heading out the door and I get “I love you Mama!!”, I know they are secure and their hearts are full. They teach me lessons about love and life as much as I teach them.

Today, I asked one of my daughters what she thought about the work I was doing and she said… “I think you should do it if it makes you happy!”… this coming from a 3 year old. I think that’s one of the best advice you can give anyone.

Believe in your children, they believe in us. What are the things you do to empower your children, to support them to be authentic? Please share in the comment section below.

Keep loving and learning and making a difference, however big or small!






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