Create where you see a need
When I started Fearless Mommies, the whole point of creating this was to empower moms to lead a life where they could have it all… work, family, freedom. I believe we could have it all. That’s not going to say the journey to get there will be easy.
I believe that in every one of our core beings, we are creators of some sort. I’m not talking necessarily artists, though creators are not exclusive of that as well. What you create could be anything that you love doing. Do you love talking to people? Your creation could involve community, public speaking. Do you love products? Your creation could be a product. Do you love expressing with art? Your creation could be painting, photography where you bring out emotions. Do you love business? Or technology? Your creation can be anything.
Every product or service started from a place where someone saw a need.
As moms, I’m sure there are many moments where you’ve thought ‘I sure could use… (this), (this)… would make my life easier’. Start writing those down. It doesn’t have to be just a ‘mom’ thing, the possibilities are endless. That isn’t enough though, for something to be truly successful, we need it to truly resonate from our heart.
Does it come from a place of love? Can you see how that would make someone’s life easier? You could start off as small or as big as you like, the most important point is to share your creativity to make someone else’s life better. The 2nd most important point is to don’t stop creating and expanding possibilities until you feel abundant in everything you want in your life and then you’ll probably be so in love with creating, you won’t stop there.
Take the first step to create. The world is our playground. Can you see how this world could be a better place if we all became creators for love? Share in the comment section below.
Keep loving and learning and making a difference, however big or small!
Get social on Social MediaNovember 30th, 2017
To Make Money, Spend MoneyNovember 22nd, 2017
Project planning for SuccessNovember 5th, 2016
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