Self Mastery for Conscious Parents


A nutty moment in my life

Finally, a few minutes of peace and quiet. This morning, we took the kids shopping for some water toys, then we had to buy dog food and a few groceries. Came home and had to make lunch for the kids right away, had lunch then piled them all into the van to go to the pool.

We don’t go anywhere without it being a big production now. We have 3 kids… twins who I will call Zack and Kianna, aged 3 and baby who I will call Cara, 20 months. Loading the van to go to the pool feels like I’m packing to go for the weekend. The kids loved being at the pool and water park, though our weather is starting to change and it no longer feels like what we expect for August so it can be a little cold at times. The great thing about the weather is, there was hardly anyone at the pool, which really works when we have 3 kids that don’t know how to swim yet.

We got home and I gave all three of them a quick bath before their afternoon nap. Thought I would share with you a snippet of my conversation with the twins:

Me (Trying to dry off Z and help him change into clean clothes)
Z: Mom, I want my cow…
Me: Ok, we’ll get it later…
Z: Mom, I left my cow downstairs…
Me: Ok, we’ll go look for it after I change your sisters..
T: Mom, where is my monkey blanket??
Me: The blanket is downstairs in the dryer, I’ll have to look for it after you are all changed.
T: (Now starting to get really disturbed) Can I have MY MONKEY blanket??
Z: Mom, cow… I need my cow!!
C: (uug uugh Mom grunt grunt goo)
T: Monkey blannnnkkkkkkeeeetttttttttttttttttt!!!!! I want my monkey blanket!!
(Meanwhile, I hear my work Blackberry is ringing off in the distance. I am ‘on call’ in case of system emergencies and I feel like tossing myself out the 2nd floor window)

This was going on for a good hour, it is our typical weekend. It’s no wonder why some days I feel like one flew over the cuckoo’s nest. When all was done and all my ‘sweeties’ have gone to nap, and I’ve had a chance to deal with the blackberry, it is wonderfully peaceful and quiet and I think ‘parenting can be insane!’. I said to my husband “wow, this has been a pretty bad day” then I stopped myself and remembered that wasn’t true at all and finally had a moment to reflect and said “actually, I take that back, it’s not true… I had a really insane moment there but it has been a really great day”. Gratitude rocks!

Some days our kids can really drive us off the deep end but all that love and great fun they fill our lives with make it all worth it… and worth truly living for.

If you have a nutty moment in your life you want to share, please do in the comment section below.

Keep loving and learning and making a difference, however big or small!


