Working hard for the work life balance
Here’s the bottom line about work life balance.
How bad do I want it? The more hungry I am for it… the better work life balance I can achieve. If I’m just a little hungry, then I should expect the same in the result. There is no way around it, it is going to take hard work for the freedom I want to achieve. The hard work will be worth it though in the long run.
It is a real juggling act right now. I work full time as a software developer but that life doesn’t serve my true potential so in the evenings after the kids are asleep or early when they aren’t up yet, it’s all about achieving the vision in my mind. What I strive and thrive to be is someone in charge of their destiny. I am realizing my entrepreneurial spirit and embracing it. Sometimes it can be a little scary but that is the whole point of being a Fearless Mommy. I feel the fear and I embrace it. I want to inspire others to do the same with their life. I hear the words in my head that say “What if after all this work, no one feels the same as you do about work life balance?” “What if Fearless Mommies becomes a real flop”, well, then I thank myself for those opinions but then I march on to what my heart is telling me to do. I’m hungry for it, my mind is locked on target.
Have a big ”F”ing dream — that is “F” for Freedom! Dream your biggest dream and think about it so much that it becomes a reality in your mind, then take a step forward towards collecting all that the universe has to offer you. The great thing about it is the universe will always support you if you are following your heart. Every journey begins with the first step, every building starts with a foundation… I’m here to support you for a life of freedom.
My big “F”ing dream is this… I want the freedom to be with my kids whenever they need me. I want the freedom to travel the world with my family so that their lives are enriched by connecting with people around the world. I want the freedom to create towards my purpose of serving others. I want the freedom to live wherever I want to live. I want the freedom to be ‘me’.
What kind of dreams do you have? I would love to hear your big “F”ing dreams, please comment below to share.
Keep loving and learning and making a difference, however big or small!
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