To Make Money, Spend Money
If you want to make money, spend money, take care of your money, love your money. Here’s what you need to know about money.
Living in a state of flow
Again I am up in the middle of the night, my mind filled with thoughts of reflection and planning.
Humanity : Unique, individual but not separate
One of the biggest challenges in my life is the fact that I have sometimes felt separate… that I felt I couldn’t make a difference in this world or that I was alone.
Are we tested on our journey?
Is it true that we are tested on our journey? When I started this journey of authenticity, I thought that I was being ‘tested’ every time I hit a bump on the journey.
Back to the basics
I find myself these days overwhelmed with all the tasks that I’ve taken on. It’s not a good feeling.
Staying happy is a workout
Staying happy is a workout.
‘Life gets in the way’ of being authentic
I recently had a conversation about consciousness with someone and they said to me “That’s all great and all… but life gets in the way.”.
When I was a child, I hated the world
Thankfully, I got over it but I really remember as a young child how much I hated this world.
Grow where you are planted
Someone once said “Grow where you are planted” and those words really resonated with me.
Drumroll please… and the number one rule in life is…
Be yourself!
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde
Recognize that your true Self is that of love.