Six steps to kick start a year of success
Wishing you all a year of success.
Wow… this year has already hit the ground running.
Not only have I committed myself to being very active in social media but I committed myself to Toastmasters yesterday. To say the very least, I was a little freaked out when I decided to join. I bit the bullet and didn’t leave the meeting without signing myself up. I don’t know about you but the ‘thought’ of something is more likely to be scarier than the ‘action’ itself. We so often freak ourselves out before we even get a chance to start… especially when it’s something BIG, I mean LIFE CHANGING!
Why did I feel the need to join Toastmasters? I joined for a myriad of reasons, but the reason that stands out the most for me is to challenge myself to be a better speaker and leader. It also forces me to sit still and hone in on a skill and I believe it will help me in my writing as well.
We’re into week one of the new year and my twitter account has been growing every day and so far all I have done is let it grow organically. Somehow, it’s catching fire, so is my Google plus account… happily growing organically.
The biggest and best thing I’ve done this year so far is change how I plan action to success. I started off with the big picture, the vision, then broke it down to mid term goals and short term goals. The short term goals are then broken down to tasks.
I truly believe if you want to be successful, you have to start by having a vision. Then vision needs to hit pen on paper or in my case, keyboard to spreadsheet.
Here are 6 easy action steps to success you can take to start off your new year the right way.
1. Dream big, I mean really BIG. What kind of life do you ultimately want? This seems like an easy task but I can tell you, I’ve had big goals all my life (and have achieved them) but I never let myself dream as big as I do now and use that as a goal in life. If you could do anything, live anywhere, be anyone… what would that look like? Be realistic in what you believe, I would love to have mutant x powers but probably not gonna happen for me in this lifetime. Yes to beach front property, yes to being an creative entrepreneur and wealthy philanthropist, no to mutant x powers (for now).
What is an achievable amount of time you would require to have that life? 20 yrs? 10 yrs?
2. Write down your Vision. Get out a piece a paper and write “Vision” on the top. Then write down your big dream life in either a paragraph form or bullet points. Dream big, then go even bigger!
3. Write down your Mid Term Goals. Underneath your Vision, draw a line, write down “Mid Term Goals”. Think about what does the half way mark look like to you? In other words, if it would take you 20 yrs to achieve the goal, what does 10 years look like? For this section under Mid-term goals, please write down what you need to have done in 5 years time. I’ll explain why later.
4. Write down your Short Term Goals. Underneath the Mid-term goals, write down “Short term goals”. What does that mean you need to do this year to get your life kick started? List down accomplishments. Finishing off a certification, diploma, course credits, joining a community for support… all good.
5. Write down your Daily Tasks. Break down your short term goals into task for today. What do you need to do today to get started for this year? Do you need to email someone for more information for something you’re interested in? Do you need to finish a report or book?
6. Review your Vision, Goals and Tasks. Look at your document with your Vision, Mid-term, Short-term goals on a weekly basis. Pick a day of the week to read it to yourself again. Revise your short term tasks as needed on a daily basis.
There you go, you are well on your way to get your life kick started and heading towards your vision. Follow up on the action tasks for the day and look back in a month to what you have accomplished.
The reason I suggested 5 years for the mid term goals is because it’s a realistic time frame. You aren’t reaching too far out into the future that you can’t see it as a reality. What will really happen is because you have written down your Vision, you’ll find that life has a funny way of speeding things up when you head in the right direction. Take it from me, the person who had a 3 year plan who is living that reality less than a years time of dreaming it.
How have you kick started your life for 2014?? Are you aimed at success and ready to rock the year? Please comment below and share.
Keep loving and learning and making a difference, however big or small!
Throughout the centuries there were men who took first steps, down new roads, armed with nothing but their own vision. – Ayn Rand #quote
— Lucia Griesbach (@fearlessmommies) January 8, 2014
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